*Just breathe*
“Your breath fills you with energy, anywhere and anytime you need it.” – Yogi tea wisdom
Your breath sets the tone for everything and is one area of our physiology that we have voluntary control over. Control to increase our ventilation and control to slow down and use our breath to reset and regain control. It is an incredibly powerful tool – and can be utilized to harness the energy idling within each of us.
Pranayama (breath regulation) = extending one’s vital life force
While there are many techniques to refocus, reset, and utilize your breath to guide your body, I love to start with box breathing – in the morning, before meditation, before meals or really anytime throughout your day. It helps to relax the body and cultivate peace from within.
It may feel uncomfortable at first. I invite you to give it a try – find what fits.
Gentle Box Breathing for Beginners
Find a comfortable seat. This may be with your legs crossed, in a chair, or even lying down.
Breath in (4 seconds)
Hold (4 seconds)
Breath out (4 seconds
Hold (4 seconds)
Repeat 1- 3 times. Adjust and modify the times to fit your body.
For more breathing techniques and information, send me a message. I hope that this helps you to find grounding in your day.