Exercise Physiologist. Fitness Instructor. Nutrition Educator. Movement Enthusiast. Yoga Practitioner.

Wherever life has taken you, I am glad it brought you here.

Holistic wellness has been a lifelong passion. As natural to me as eating or breathing, this all-encompassing lifestyle was modeled by my parents from a young age; before I knew the term holistic wellness, I knew that it felt good to move my body, to eat colorful fruits and vegetables, and to get under the weights in our modest, outdoor workout area in dad’s “barn”. He called it rust lifting, my sister and I called it fun. We grew up in a cabin that my dad built, surrounded by oak trees and Florida heat. Most of my childhood was spent outside exploring, making up games, running, playing, dancing, and climbing trees. Ingrained in my family was a simple way of living rooted in our Sicilian heritage. We woke early, moved daily, ate a (mostly plant-based) Mediterranean diet, and worked hard to take care of our home. We created meaning with intentional living, and spent time with friends and family. Albeit different, this foundation set in motion all that I strive to share with you.

I believe in holistic wellness as a practice of life — encompassing physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. I believe in healing through movement, and food as medicine. I believe that we are all on a journey to become the best, healthiest versions of ourselves so that we can enjoy more fulfilling lives. When we were kids, my dad had a habit of having my sister and I memorize wisdom that he found significant. This was one of his favorites: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” (Chinese proverb).

That step, no matter how small, changes everything.

I can’t wait to help you start your journey!


Educational Background

Florida State University, B.S. Exercise Physiology

University of South Florida, M.S. Exercise Physiology

University of Miami, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology