Space Creation: How to optimize your space and create the life you want

Using your environment to help motivate and inspire you is one of the first steps you can take towards your new healthy lifestyle. Whether you are revamping your routine or just making a few small adjustments, the space we live in and how we design our space, no matter the size, can make all the difference.


Here is my simplified take on how to optimize your space and use it to create the life you want:


1.     Create open space. Open space allows for creativity and planning. While this aligns with principles of minimal living – it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing approach. You can create open space within your house or apartment without fully following minimalism. Simply put: the less clutter in your space, the better you will feel about beginning your new project and taking time to build and reinforce your new habit.

2.     Add a few small reminders. This can be in the form of furniture, pictures, quotes, or books. Whatever the reminder may be, just be sure that it is visible and inspiring. For example, in my kitchen I have a few small quotes that inspire me to make big leaps of faith. Sprinkle these reminders all throughout your home.

3.     Give yourself a comfortable place to work. Find what feels right for you. Do you work best at the table, a desk, or standalone chair? Wherever it may be, be sure that that space is only used for one specific activity. Try to avoid overlapping activities such as sleep + work, tv + work, eating + work. This helps your brain know that when you are in this space you are doing only that activity.

4.     Evaluate the ambiance. If possible, create as many openings as possible for natural light to trickle in during daytime hours. This helps set our brain’s circadian rhythm and also elicits feelings of calm just from looking out at nature. If natural light is not available, have plenty of artificial light in your working space especially early in the day. Use lamps or string lights to create a cozy environment – if that is what feels right for your space.  


Whatever your space looks like, just be sure to make it your own and that it helps you optimize your work and the life that you want. If you want to be more active, create a space for your workout (if at home). If you want to cook more, create an open kitchen space that is inviting and comfortable. If you want to read more, take the book off the shelf and put it in a place that you are most likely to grab it.

These small steps make all the difference in helping to create and reinforce the healthy habits you’d like to incorporate into your day.

Wishing you happy living + healthy space creation.




On Habit Formation